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Existing Levels
It has been estimated that in 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. Due to facts like this, various establishments have not been able to remain indifferent and have joined Movimento Claro for a world with more life and less plastic!
Level 0
Eliminated or replaced plastic straws and employees are aware of the problem and are able to explain to the consumer the reason behind the reduction of single-use plastics!
Level 1
Fulfills 3 to 6 requirements.
Level 2
Fulfills 7 to 9 requirements.
Level 3
Fulfills 10 to 12 requirements.
Level 4
Fulfills 13 to 16 requirements.
Level 5
Fulfills 17 to 20 requirements.
There are Requirements, of course!
See here the criteria we have for our members.